Twin Screw

Twin Screw

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We are REW - The Ultimate Feed Screw OEM, located at Ahmedabad, India.
Since 20 years we are giving our service to Indian Plastics Machine Manufacturing Industry as an Original Equipment Manufacturer of Feed screw & Barrel.

Our twin screw barrel sets are 
mainly used to process
PVC, UPVC, RPVC In Pipe and profile extrusion and Other polymers in Compounding extrusion
Indian make machines (Pipe, Profile, Compounding) 
Chinese make machines (pipe, profile, Compounding)

Go to next page to see what we makes and See our all standard sets, just click the link given in the end of this page 

Material of construction:

Base Material: Standard 38CrMoALA or India's Musco Made 41CrMoAL7 or as per your choice
Bimetallic: HSS Grades with Tungsten, Molybdenum and Chromium or Tool grade steel D2.
Coatings: Colmonoy or Tungsten Carbide By world's most advanced robotic HVOF technology.
PTA and other economical coating solutions are also available.

Default Premium Processes with no extra cost: Hardchrome Plating, Diamond Polish.

Gas Nitriding to achieve 65-70 HRC

Raj Engineering has highest number of Thread Milling machines for fastest manufacturing service.

What is Twin-Screw Extrusion?

Twin-screw extruders are well-established in the industry for mixing, compounding and processing of viscous materials. They are used in a great variety of polymer, pharmaceutical and food applications. The flexibility of twin-screw extrusion equipment allows designing these machines specifically to the desired task.

Twin-screw extruders can have a conical or parallel design. The two screws can be counter-rotating or co-rotating, intermeshing or no-intermeshing. Also, the configurations of the screws themselves can be varied using different conveying and mixing elements.

Counter-rotating twin-screw extruders are used mainly for processing PVC products, such as pipe, profile, sheet, pellets and film. The co-rotating units are used for compounding materials where thorough mixing is important.

Co-rotating twin-screw extruders usually have modular configurations, which makes the equipment quite flexible for adapting to changing applications and material properties.

Bimetallic screw Barrels - Visit page to learn more 

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